BLOG #176 9/22/16
The human body is so fascinating that taking what might appear to be a simple photograph isn’t simple at all.
An inexhaustible source of exploration.
The body, a gift that just keeps on giving.
My photographs of men focus on the musculoskeletal system.
Of women, sensuality and sexuality…
and pairs, graphic composition and a sense of relationship
For centuries the body has captivated painters, sculptors, and photographers. There are so many points of view and so many ways to explore the figure visually.
It is paramount to approach the subject with a combination of candor (truthfulness), courage and fresh, insatiable curiosity.
Before asking a model to pose without clothing it’s necessary to establish trust and explain the artistic goal. The relationship between photographer and model must be one of honesty and respect. Be careful: do not shortcut this connection. Only when this sort of openness occurs, and a bond is established, can photographer and model together undertake a creative exploration. Any underhanded seduction or manipulation, even if just suspected, will destroy the possibility of any really good work together.
With a “simple” nude photograph, the photographer needs to seem almost not to be there; the lighting has to be pristine and uncontrived (tricky, since artificial lighting is by definition a contrivance, and not always easy to disguise). The photographer must observe carefully while appearing not to be looking at all. It’s a delicate, fine line.
We photographers and other artists are privileged to have an open, imaginative world in which to live and work, especially the creatively fertile ground of the human body.
Studies of WOMEN:
My project, “Born in Africa” is possible in New York where models from almost every country come to work. Here, a Dinka from Sudan.
Dancers, Standing
After “Rodin”
I am no where near finished exploring the human body photographically. It’s a tenacious search for wonder, magic and mystery.
Glitterati Incorporated, the publisher of the Retrospective, Schatz Images: 25 Years is now offering the two- book boxed set at a discount from the original price. The set comes with an 11″x14” print of the buyer’s choice.